Wednesday, January 31, 2007

War is never over


War is never over
Thought the treaties may be signed
The memories of the battles
Are forever in our minds
War is never over
So when you welcome heroes home
Remember in their minds they hold
Memories known to them alone
War is never over
Nam veterans know this well
Now other wars bring memories back
Of their own eternal hell
War is never over
For I knew world war two
And I'll not forget the battles
Or the nightmares that ensue
War is never over
Those left home to wait know this
For many still are waiting
It was their farewell kiss
War is never over
Though we win the victory
Still in our minds the battles
No freedom is not free!

Cecil L. Harrison

Friday, January 26, 2007

Poetic Language Reflection

Poetic Language is like a tone where one can express their emotions, feelings or their tone in a poem. Personally, I think poetic language can be in different types of form such as in emotions, tone, and etc. In order for a poem to be created, the author’s opinion can be expressed in a poetic language. Take for an example, if an author of a letter was to write about a war. Their poetic language can be about hating how stupid people have to go over in order to just get killed. Their poetic language can be in a mad tone, or like serious tone. I think poetic language is what creates a poem. The difference is that a poem can create like the whole writing of the poem but the poetic language gives the author a chance to give his or her opinion.