Friday, February 23, 2007

journal 6

Talei Maravou Talei Maravou
Journal 6
Comparative Critic
“The Computation”

S: A man with emotions
O: To express his love life
A: Anyone who can assimilate
P: To give the audience a story of how he died
S: To become as a learner to all the mistakes he had done

Comparative Critic:

In the same packet, I seem assimilation between “The Computation” and “The triple fool”, in related themes. First of all, he both talks about his love life and how he has being a victim in the love. Typically, the man is the one who is usually like the criminal in a relationship because they usually ruin the relationship. However, in these two poems, the man which is also the protagonist, is being the victim and compels to us how he suffers emotionally. The lines from “Tears dron’d one hundred, and sighs blew out two” and “But where’s that wise man, that would not be I, / If she would not deny?” These two quotes from two different poems bring assimilation or the same tone. The tone is depression and whining of how he is the victim of love.

Journal 5

S: a man who thinks his wife is cheating on him
O: To tell his wife, how he feels
A: His Wife
P: To express his internal feeling
S: A man who hates being cheated on
Tone: Regretting, Let things be

Literary Critic:
The author E.E. Cummings is telling his wife how he feels and he wants to show that, maybe things are suppose to be that way. This is unusually poem because most man will not let go of their loved ones without a try. Through this poem, Cummings sets a setting for the readers. This setting shows a love/ caressing mood. Take for an example “if on another’s face[her] sweet hair lay,” this line shows like a soothing/lovely mood for the readers.
Cummings uses two devices that carry’s out the meaning of the poem. For every line, except for two lines, there are ten syllables. The two lines that are not the same is “great writhing words as, uttering overmuch/……that I may go unto him, and take his hands.” Another device I saw being use is that one could see the pattern of the poet. The end rhymes of some of the lines are similar and this is how it goes.


Journal 4

S: A seasonal person
O: to express the value of each season
A: a person who observes the differences in seasons
P: To serve the purpose that seasons have different values
S: Values of seasons
Tone: inspirational

Personal Response:
Right now, in our world there is a major issue that relates to our future generations, which is global warming. With the green house effect on global warming, there isn’t much winter days, however there are more sun. Winter in this poem is being described as a “[silent] and such a darkness” therefore the protagonist in this poem would be happy if the global warming had an affect in his life. Even though he would be happy, he would be happy for the wrong reasons.
I do have the same feeling as the protagonist because I feel that the summer is the times I am happier and more free. But this feeling can be aroused from the idea that during the summer there is not any schools so therefore more happiness has aroused.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Journal # 2

Everything the power of the world does is done in a circle
Everything the power for the world does
Is done in a circle. The sky is round,
And I have heard that the earth is round
Like a ball, and so are all the stars.
The wind, in its greatest power, whirls.

Birds make their nest in circles,
For theirs is the same religion as ours.

The sun comes forth and goes down again
In a circle. The moon does the same,
And both are round. Even the seasons
Form a great circle in their changing,
And always come back again to where they were.
The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood,
And so it is in everything where power moves.

S=> An observer
O=> to talk about how the world is in common.
A=>Anyone who haven’t noticed the pattern or anyone who has noticed it.
P=> to give awareness to the people
S=> An awareness of how the world works
tone: A warning/ awareness

There isn’t any rhyme to this however you can notice that this author uses a lot of punctuations. However, some parts of the poem do show rhyme but not as much as other poets in this packet. The diction the author choices to use isn’t very rich of vocabulary however it does give us an easier way to understand the poem.

Literary Critic:
The poem has effectively conveyed his poem because he intentionally uses less rich vocabulary words to convey to us the true meaning. Even though having rich vocabulary can give us a more significant meaning, he wants to get his point across. I think when he uses simple words, his trying to convey that it doesn’t take a genius to notice that the things and the world rotates in a circle.

Journal # 2

Everything the power of the world does is done in a circle
Everything the power for the world does
Is done in a circle. The sky is round,
And I have heard that the earth is round
Like a ball, and so are all the stars.
The wind, in its greatest power, whirls.

Birds make their nest in circles,
For theirs is the same religion as ours.

The sun comes forth and goes down again
In a circle. The moon does the same,
And both are round. Even the seasons
Form a great circle in their changing,
And always come back again to where they were.
The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood,
And so it is in everything where power moves.

S=> An observer
O=> to talk about how the world is in common.
A=>Anyone who haven’t noticed the pattern or anyone who has noticed it.
P=> to give awareness to the people
S=> An awareness of how the world works

There isn’t any rhyme to this however you can notice that this author uses a lot of punctuations. However, some parts of the poem do show rhyme but not as much as other poets in this packet. The diction the author choices to use isn’t very rich of vocabulary however it does give us an easier way to understand the poem.

Literary Critic:
The poem has effectively conveyed his poem because he intentionally uses less rich vocabulary words to convey to us the true meaning. Even though having rich vocabulary can give us a more significant meaning, he wants to get his point across. I think when he uses simple words, his trying to convey that it doesn’t take a genius to notice that the things and the world rotates in a circle.

Journal # 1

We wear the mask
We wear the mask that grins and lies,
it hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,-
This debt we pay to human guile;
With torn and bleeding hearts we smile,
And mouth with myriad subtleties.

Why should the world be overwise,
In counting all our tears and sighs?
Nay, let them only see us, while
We wear the mask.

We smile, but, O great Christ, our cries
To thee from tortured souls arise.
We sing, but oh the clay is vile
Beneath our feet, and long the mile;
But let the world dream otherwise,
We wear the mask!

S=>a person who is suffering from the society
O=> to tell one his feelings
A=>Anyone that wants to listen
P=> to express ones inner feeling
S=>Expressing ideas

A pattern i noticed was that it kept repeating we wear the mask at the end of the two stanzas.
At the end of every other line, they rhyme. It rhymes also with the beginning of the every other line. The diction of the poem shows us that the tone is depresing for example, cries and sighs.

Personal Response
This poem relates to today because most people are not who they really are and can not express their true ideas because society doesn't let anyone be any thing other than being the stereotypically American. Just recently, I read a article concerning of Fijians at Fiji who have to adjust to American Culture because they had seen American programs, which showed the size one should be. They had worn masks to cover up their pain and suffering from the judgement of others. Some would tell them their fat or overwieght but they would never tell them how they feel instead they would try to be skinner.

Reflection paper

Talei Maravou
1-page Reflection

From the feedback from Devin and Heather from the Frankenstein paper and the final essay about identity, I finally come to realization of what areas I improved in and what areas I still need help on. First will be the section I need help on. The most struggling part for me is how to create my introduction and my thesis. The thesis, somehow, always has to be switched or fixed at the end of my writing process. I think the reason for this was that as I created my outline, I had a different view of how to attack the points in my thesis, but as I start to write my whole paper, I see that most of it doesn’t make sense because it doesn’t flow and the thesis seems to be the whole idea of what I want to portray. When Heather had handed me her thoughts of how my thesis showed be changed, I started to rearrange the paragraphs. However, at the end, I changed it back to the way I had it before with some of the corrections heather had given me. This was because I realized that the transition and my flow didn’t make any sense when I had changed it.
Second is my areas I have improved in was the ideas I started to bring together. At first I was going to talk about culture influence, however I changed it to identity after the seminar class discussion. As I started to write the outline, my ideas started to even come together, because I noticed more things were in common for the books I was about to talk about. Even when I started to write the paper in class, my ideas became like into one when I constructed my thesis.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

War is never over


War is never over
Thought the treaties may be signed
The memories of the battles
Are forever in our minds
War is never over
So when you welcome heroes home
Remember in their minds they hold
Memories known to them alone
War is never over
Nam veterans know this well
Now other wars bring memories back
Of their own eternal hell
War is never over
For I knew world war two
And I'll not forget the battles
Or the nightmares that ensue
War is never over
Those left home to wait know this
For many still are waiting
It was their farewell kiss
War is never over
Though we win the victory
Still in our minds the battles
No freedom is not free!

Cecil L. Harrison

Friday, January 26, 2007

Poetic Language Reflection

Poetic Language is like a tone where one can express their emotions, feelings or their tone in a poem. Personally, I think poetic language can be in different types of form such as in emotions, tone, and etc. In order for a poem to be created, the author’s opinion can be expressed in a poetic language. Take for an example, if an author of a letter was to write about a war. Their poetic language can be about hating how stupid people have to go over in order to just get killed. Their poetic language can be in a mad tone, or like serious tone. I think poetic language is what creates a poem. The difference is that a poem can create like the whole writing of the poem but the poetic language gives the author a chance to give his or her opinion.