Friday, February 2, 2007

Reflection paper

Talei Maravou
1-page Reflection

From the feedback from Devin and Heather from the Frankenstein paper and the final essay about identity, I finally come to realization of what areas I improved in and what areas I still need help on. First will be the section I need help on. The most struggling part for me is how to create my introduction and my thesis. The thesis, somehow, always has to be switched or fixed at the end of my writing process. I think the reason for this was that as I created my outline, I had a different view of how to attack the points in my thesis, but as I start to write my whole paper, I see that most of it doesn’t make sense because it doesn’t flow and the thesis seems to be the whole idea of what I want to portray. When Heather had handed me her thoughts of how my thesis showed be changed, I started to rearrange the paragraphs. However, at the end, I changed it back to the way I had it before with some of the corrections heather had given me. This was because I realized that the transition and my flow didn’t make any sense when I had changed it.
Second is my areas I have improved in was the ideas I started to bring together. At first I was going to talk about culture influence, however I changed it to identity after the seminar class discussion. As I started to write the outline, my ideas started to even come together, because I noticed more things were in common for the books I was about to talk about. Even when I started to write the paper in class, my ideas became like into one when I constructed my thesis.

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