Friday, February 2, 2007

Journal # 2

Everything the power of the world does is done in a circle
Everything the power for the world does
Is done in a circle. The sky is round,
And I have heard that the earth is round
Like a ball, and so are all the stars.
The wind, in its greatest power, whirls.

Birds make their nest in circles,
For theirs is the same religion as ours.

The sun comes forth and goes down again
In a circle. The moon does the same,
And both are round. Even the seasons
Form a great circle in their changing,
And always come back again to where they were.
The life of a man is a circle from childhood to childhood,
And so it is in everything where power moves.

S=> An observer
O=> to talk about how the world is in common.
A=>Anyone who haven’t noticed the pattern or anyone who has noticed it.
P=> to give awareness to the people
S=> An awareness of how the world works

There isn’t any rhyme to this however you can notice that this author uses a lot of punctuations. However, some parts of the poem do show rhyme but not as much as other poets in this packet. The diction the author choices to use isn’t very rich of vocabulary however it does give us an easier way to understand the poem.

Literary Critic:
The poem has effectively conveyed his poem because he intentionally uses less rich vocabulary words to convey to us the true meaning. Even though having rich vocabulary can give us a more significant meaning, he wants to get his point across. I think when he uses simple words, his trying to convey that it doesn’t take a genius to notice that the things and the world rotates in a circle.

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