Friday, February 23, 2007

journal 6

Talei Maravou Talei Maravou
Journal 6
Comparative Critic
“The Computation”

S: A man with emotions
O: To express his love life
A: Anyone who can assimilate
P: To give the audience a story of how he died
S: To become as a learner to all the mistakes he had done

Comparative Critic:

In the same packet, I seem assimilation between “The Computation” and “The triple fool”, in related themes. First of all, he both talks about his love life and how he has being a victim in the love. Typically, the man is the one who is usually like the criminal in a relationship because they usually ruin the relationship. However, in these two poems, the man which is also the protagonist, is being the victim and compels to us how he suffers emotionally. The lines from “Tears dron’d one hundred, and sighs blew out two” and “But where’s that wise man, that would not be I, / If she would not deny?” These two quotes from two different poems bring assimilation or the same tone. The tone is depression and whining of how he is the victim of love.

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